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GCSEs galore at Leighton Park School!

Posted on 23rd Aug 2018 in GCSE, School News, Exams

​Leighton Park’s 80-strong cohort of Year 11 students were up bright and early this morning eager to collect their GCSE results. Whilst all were keen to discover the outcome of two years’ dedicated study, many were equally keen join the Sixth Form next autumn, ranked the Best in Berkshire and in the Top 40 nationally for academic progress.

Cranleigh makes the grade at GCSE

Posted on 23rd Aug 2018 in School News, GCSEs

Cranleigh School has maintained last year’s record GCSE results, with 26% of all grades a 9, and 55% of all grades being 9/8. In addition, 68% of all grades were 9-7 (equivalent to A*–A) and 99% of students gained 5 GCSEs at 9 to 4 grade.

LVS Ascot students celebrate rise in top GCSE results

Posted on 23rd Aug 2018 in School News, GCSEs

Students at LVS Ascot are celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results, with the number of A* or equivalent grades rising to almost 10%. The English language and maths pass rates both also rose, to 99% and 94% respectively, with 99% of students who achieved at least 5 A* - C (or equivalent) GCSEs passing both maths and English.
